It's been a long break from blogging. I had a busy two weeks of getting the house ready and presentable for tons of in laws visiting, and then three weeks of the in laws all in town. This would be the parental in laws as well as the brother and sister in law.
The last couple weeks since them being gone has just involved us trying to catch up on everything around us. Hot Husband's return to his job after a nice vacation, should have meant a refreshed man, ready to start work up again. Instead he felt weary, and not ready to go back again. Argh. We are almost at two years with this job, he's climbed two levels, and done very well. Have we paid our dues? Almost!
I've been financially budgeting like mad, writing lists and looking up prices, trying to get things ready so that when the new baby comes, we will be able to go home for Christmas and afford the expenses that can occur when a new one comes into the family! It's very stressful, but I'm trying to just rest and have a different mindset towards money. ;)
We are cat sitting for our neighbors. I am indifferent towards cats, but don't think we'll ever have an indoor one. A few weeks cat visiting is fine, especially to eradicate any leftover remains of a rat problem, but long term.. hmm. No thanks.
I am 28 weeks, or 11 weeks and 4 days till I am due. It's a boy!!! Of which we are both really excited about. We don't have a name yet, but may have to name him earlier then his birth just for his plane ticket back for Christmas. lol. Um, that might be interesting! I feel large, but really compared to how much I gained with Cute Child am decidedly much smaller. I passed out at the hospital last week at the end of my gestational diabetes testing. Not one of the better experiences of my life, but I'm alive, and all is well.
I feel very blah today! I'm sorry, I know it is coming out in my writing- you're all thinking, "bor-ing!"... haha! Sorry!
It's hard to read everyone from back homes facebook status' about how their summers are going, and their vacations. It's winter here, and I spend most days with sweaters and slippers on. I was not prepared for how cold it gets here! At night it's the low 50's, and I'm sure it's been 47-50 a few times. The day times it says that it gets to low 70's but I think because the houses are not built for this kind of weather, they keep the cool of the night and sometimes our thermometer has not gotten past 65. Yuck! Lots of layers, and a hot water bottle, and cups of tea.
I'm feeling very out of sorts in regards to friendships. Two of our great 'family' friends have left in the last 2 months, (I wrote about the first one last post) and it makes our Christian circles different. We really need good Christian friends to be with. I feel lonely, and slightly without a purpose. Plus the 'nesting' instinct is coming on, but I have no way to nest. We have no shops to go and hit the sale racks and find a great deal... but then again, I don't exactly have a 'nesting' budget either right now!
Okay, I think I need to go move our car, there is a bit of a war going on for parking spaces in our parking area, and I think the new neighbors are cross that I'm in their spot, even though someone is in every spot I've ever been in, including my own. I'd like to start things on a good foot with them! Hopefully they aren't already too cross!