It's a new year! Okay, so almost 2 months into the new year, but still, YAY!!! I was thinking about where I was personally when I started writing this blog... I was sad, disgruntled, lonely, and aching for the bits and pieces of what I felt- but never saw. Always reaching never touching. I lived in New Jersey for goodness sakes. For some it may be all fine and dandy, for me, a personal barren wasteland.
Now I'm blissfully settled into Nairobi, loving being a mum (yes mum, I say it in my head now even), getting to wear flip flops year round, and going to baby/toddler play groups all week long. I'm exhausted most all the time, needing a nap continually, and up in the night more then I care to count. But...
Something has happened to me. I want to do more things. I have become coordinator for prayer at our church. It no longer overwhelms me to try and take on more things. Potty train Cute Child? BRING IT ON. Rearrange the entire house? GO AHEAD, TRY ME!
Yeah, something has shifted. Hot husband is busy busy busy with work, but it's not awful like it was before Christmas. And I have general hope for the future... I have this sense that God has not forgotten us, and that all these random things in our lives the past several years-they've not been random at all, but part of some glorious beautiful picture that I will some day get to see and marvel at. Heck, I'm already marveling.