About a month before we left NYC/NJ for good 'ol Nairobi, my hot husband thought of a brilliant solution to my refusal to keep carting books from house to house, let alone country to country. He bought me a kindle. OOOOOOOOohhhhhhh, yes. I love it. I loved it pretty much immediately.
The first thing I got was the entire collection of Jane Austen books for $1.99. Oh the joy!
I then bought a cover.
Last week I had my kindle in my purse from my time at Java house with my Monday morning decaf latte. (I'm currently reading a book that has the potential to change my life. really.) Hot Husband needed something from the purse, brought it upstairs, and then instead of carrying the purse back downstairs, dropped it from the 2nd floor to the 1st floor. It was in the case. But for some reason, this drop must have put the kindle on it's side and well.. the top 1/3 of the screen it looks like is broken. The ink is all muddled. Kind of like an etchosketch.
We called Amazon. Told them the story. And the lady says... "Well it could be that when you dropped it, it broke the screen... but more likely is that it's just a flaw in the manufacturing of the Kindle." and then... "Your warranty is 3 months past it's expiration but I'll make an exception and get a new Kindle to you immediately." !!!!!
We then explained that we can't receive large items like that in the post here in Kenya (they'll get stolen or we would be charged an insane amount to receive it), so it would take us a bit to figure out how to get it to us here. And since that is the case, we wouldn't be able to send the old one back within 30 days. To which she says, "Oh, no problem. We don't really need the old one, I'll also waive that requirement." !!!!!!
In a land where the customer service is somewhat nonexistent over half of the time, where good service is so rare I can count it on one hand the situations I've had, this was a breath of fresh air to our weary and wary souls. OH THE BLISS!
Thanks God for Amazon, for wonderful customer service, for shiny brand new Kindles.
I'll leave you all with a photo that has nothing to do with this post. A praying mantis on Hot Husband's toothbrush. :)