Women with just picked tea leaves near Kisii, Kenya, 2010
Simple Woman's Daybook stuff taken from Charis- one of my favorites, and besties, even though we've lived far apart for, well most ever-http://www.charisscofield.com/
Outside my window: Dark night. There is no electricity down the side of the hill from our house (though ours is on right now), so it's just inky black darkness outside. The huge acacia's and other african trees are rustling in a quiet night breeze. Since we're at the equator, the time never changes, the days always start at the same time, and end at the same time. Roughly 630am and 630pm. Currently we are 7 hours ahead of the east coast, USA. It's still bizarre to me that my family is in the early afternoon right now, and in the hour I'll be getting ready to go to bed.
I am thinking: How quickly time is going. How much I want to accomplish. How every day matters. How I love my family so much. All my men. My boys, Hot Husband. *sigh. I'm such a blessed woman!
I am thankful: That I get to live here. That we get to have these adventures. That even in all the chaos going on in the world, I know, that I was, and my children were, made for such a time as this. There is no mistake about any thing. The things that my children are being exposed to, learning and seeing now, will make them more aware, and more compassionate. I pray that theirs will be a voice in the wilderness, "prepare ye the way of the Lord", and a voice for the widow, the orphan, the refugee and the forgotten.
Remembering: How much I love Montana summers. If there is one thing I wish I could give my children, it's a month every year in August or July in northwest Montana. Among so many things would be to swim in Macgregor or Flathead Lake. The other night I was thinking about how after swimming I used to sit on the dock for hours in the early evening, and watch the water skippers dance on the top of the water, and the waves and movement of the dock get eerily still as night set in. I would always smell my arm, cool and dry. Something about the smell of my skin after swimming in a Montana lake- I love that smell.
From the learning rooms: I am moving through fear. There were 3 updates from the US Warden this week on Security. With only a month in between us and Ebel and Lora... I found myself sinking into fear. Talking to a dear friend who just went through some counseling because of all of this... Her counsellor told her that one of the main things that we deal with in grief when it's trauma related is fear. It was a relief, and a confirmation to me to hear that I am not too emotional or something.. but that is actually part of the stage of processing I'm in. That being said, I am not staying in it, not giving it a foothold and not dwelling on things... Today and tonight I feel such Peace. (thank you Father)
From the kitchen: There are not the same items here for cooking as back 'home'. Most everything is made from scratch. Lately my favorite staple has been homemade granola with chopped fresh, sweet mango on top. Absolutely delicious. Makes me smile just thinking about it. Simple is just best.
I am wearing: (besides my clothes) My wedding ring and my engagement ring. Along with my single pearl ring to remind me of the great price. (Matthew 13:44-45). This isn't normal here. Many expat women I know don't wear much more then a single gold band. I've made peace with the fact that mine could get stolen. And I make sure and leave them at home if going to the market. But for the most part, my rings are such a labor of love from my husband. He worked so hard to get me these rings, to show that I'm his. I wear them proudly- I am his!
I am creating: more of a comfortable home. After over 15 moves since 1997, I realized this past few months that I've slowly given up really moving in to places. We as a couple haven't lived in a place with colored painted walls in 6 years. And my children have never had painted walls. Just white. We need to hang pictures, buy rugs, get cozy. Create a home!!!
I am going: to beautiful Jenni's wedding in August in Bath, England. I want to enjoy every bit of it. Even if I have Little Brother strapped to me the entire time. I'm praying that somehow I will be able to fully enjoy myself, even with my mommy responsibilities.
I am reading: blogs, because my kindle broke last week. :( But a new one will somehow get to me soon. It's at my parents house waiting!
I am hoping: for a beach holiday. for the 20 pounds I need to lose to go.
One of my favorite things: When Hot Husband wears his Diesel jeans. That's one nice ass, babe. :)
Picture of the week: (but since nothing's been downloads, we'll use this)
Flamingo's, one year ago today on a drive we took enroute Tobaca: