Two things happened today. One is great, and fun. The other is horrible, tragic, and annoying.
First- I had a boyfriend in high school, like most American girls I know. Anyhow, last time I saw him he was drunk, and high and looked like crap. It was so sad since at the time he was one of the smartest people I knew, totally talented, good looking, and had so much to offer the world. It appeared he was throwing it all away for pot, Ben Harper, and becoming a Rastafarian. Anyways, thanks to the wonders of Facebook- a friend of a friend posted photos of his recent wedding. And he looks happy, so happy. And she's pretty, and they both looked sober, and not like crazy pot smoking Rastas. :) lol. I was very very close to his family, and he'd been my best friend long before we dated, so it was such a neat thing to see.
And now for the Second thing. The Sucky thing. I have problems. No, literally, I physically have problems. (A few mental ones too no doubt, haha) It took us 7 rounds of provera, 5 rounds of clomid, and a miracle to conceive Jonah. I've been diagnosed a million things, and long and short of it there are some major things funky going on in my endocrine system. The problem is that no one seems to have any ideas of what to do, and I appear to be cursed with a magnetic pull for incredibly Dumb and Insensitive Doctors (DaID). After a whole round of tests, I spoke to my new doctor this morning, and she once again proved herself to be right under the DaID qualification. So back to the drawing board. I cried, I swore. I hate what I feel like, how it makes me look. I hate the uncertainty of not knowing what I have most of all.
I am having a hard day. I just want to be normal in this area. Have a normal period. Have a normal metabolism. Have a normal pregnancy. Have a normal life!!
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