The fog rolled in right about the same time that I realized husband and I had decided to say yes to the project his job just offered him. The project that will take him away from me for over two weeks this month. The project that will only do one good thing- and that is that it will enable at least one of us to visit Kenya before our move. I am thinking of a million things I want him to be able to answer for me by the time he gets back. I'm also trying not to think of how we had every weekend booked this month. How he's going to miss one of my bestest friends and her husband from England and their entire visit to see us. How he may have to leave early on our 5th anniversary weekend extravaganza at the Ritz Carlton in Manhattan. I am trying not to think about how I will miss him. What if our son takes his first steps while he is gone?
I need to stop right there, because the fog just started getting thicker.
Lately this paralyzing fog comes over me, threatening to halt all of my production for the day, and to eat up all my happiness in one horribly foul swoop. Today, when it started coming, I did something that I normally would never think to do... I started praying. Thanking. Worshiping. and Then yelling in tongues quite happily. And you know what? While the fog didn't roll away, it didn't eat me up. And I didn't feel like crying for hours.
I think I may have made a bit of progress today. :)

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