I have some expectations for Nairobi. I am praying that none of them are so big that if they do not prove to be real I feel as disappointed as I have felt in the past year over dashed expectations.
Broken expectations are brutal. I'm bouncing back from quite a few. And in this bounce back, I am looking towards the future with new vigor, new hope. Trying not have too much expectation, if that is at all possible.
Some of the things I think about in Kenya. I think we will have a nice place to live, with sunshine, and cool breezes. I do not expect it to be hot or humid, at least in Nairobi. The market will be alive with stories and adventure, fresh fruit and all manner of 'plastics'. The expat grocery will be incredibly expensive, but not so expensive that we can't ever go there, just in extreme moderation. We will find a good used car/suv, hopefully semi-new, but most definitely reliable. I expect hot husbands hours to be the same as here= awful and barely survivable. However, I secretly hope that isn't the case and that he gets to at least sleep 6-7 hours a night, every night. I expect some things to be cheap, and some things to be wildly expensive. I expect to love Kenyans, to smile at the children, my heart growing every day. I know that son and I will take pictures everywhere.
Lord heal my broken expectations, give me peace for this new phase of life, hope for this incredibly future and path that lays in front of us, and take my glass- make it always half full.

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