Monday, September 28, 2009

I live in Africa.

We landed, my brain was in a whirrr, my adrenaline starting to wane, but I felt alert and ready. All our bags came through- all 7 of them. Customs and immigration went quickly, all's well. (It helps having a cute kid that smiles at everyone).

Our friends here got a taxi to meet us. One of the many men holding signs outside had one that said, "Jayzon, Krisper Wendey", we knew, that was us! haha! Unfortunately, all our bags and us did not fit in one car. Hot Husband rode with all the luggage, and I rode with Cute Child, and unknown man, alone in a taxi behind them. Besides the fact that it cost us over 50USD to do that, (taxi's are draining us dry here, quite quickly) it was the weird feeling I had in the car.

I suddenly realized we were moving to Africa. That, crap. We were in Africa. My first expectation was realized- I had thought it would be a bit more like South Africa, and a bit less like Ghana. But, it's more, way more, like Ghana. It was dark, but you could feel the difference anyways. Not only were we driving on the left side, but it was the lack of street lamps, the crazy traffic(apparently there is only one- 'keep left'), and the starking reality that your family are the only white people in site. I'm not usually aware of color, but in Africa, when out after dark, I often find myself wishing I could blend in a lot more.

It wasn't scary, and we weren't in any danger, but I definitely had a big moutful of culture shock. I just hadn't prepared myself for coming here... not for what it would mean. I think I thought and prayed so much about HotHusband's job, and what we would need, the basics, the nuts and bolts of everything that the simple reality of living in Kenya didn't quite hit me till I was in that taxi, speeding over pot holed roads, in the pitch black night, with a plume of dust in our wake.

I'm sorry I don't have pictures yet, will soon. Our internet is scarce, and Cute Child has been more then active lately (i.e. wild).... with jet lag to boot. Lady Missionary here told me that the rule is 1 day for every hour time difference. We've just had our first night last night without him waking, he bucked the rule with only 4 days jet lag, instead of 7. That's my kid! :)

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