Today I went to the dentist. Hot Husband has been to him once. His name, Dr. Kwitnicki. It's kinda fun to say, that's why I chose him for our family. Seriously, that's really the truth! When in our lovely health care system, you just get a long list of who takes your insurance, and you have no other information except their address to go on. So I often go on how goofy or fun their names are. Or whether or not they are accepting new patients, that always helps. BUT, I digress. This isn't about Dr. Kwitnicki's name.
And it's not really about how his office staff were amazing, both women so friendly and polite, and totally in love with Jonah at first sight. Or how one of them watched him and played with him the entire time I was getting my cleaning and x-rays.
It's not about how despite not going to the dentist for 3 years, I had no cavities, and fairly decent gums (though he did give me the you need to floss more and use a waterpik lecture for a good 20 minutes).. No it's about how the dentist, this man, was a BUTCHER TO MY GUMS! I have never in all my years of getting routine cleanings experienced such agony. My knuckles were white, my gums (8 hours later) are still inflamed, still raw, my teeth are aching in recollection of the massacre I put them through. And I, after the initial shock of how the digging and picking and scraping was not letting up but only increasing, closed my eyes to wish away the time and... pray for deliverence from this horror. About 10 minutes into this, I opened my eyes...
And what I saw will be forever ingrained in my mind, nay, in my very core. The shiny metal, silver instrument, with hooks and scrapers on each end, was in my mouth- one hooked end right in front of my direct line of sight- and hanging from the hook was a piece of torn, bloody flesh. Or gums. Whichever way you want to look at it. To me, they are the same, and it was awful, bloody, bloomin', awful!!!
I felt like I was in a horror film.
And I told the dentist, when he was done what I had seen. He assured me that it was not a piece of my gums... paused, and said, "Well, it could have been from right near the front of your mouth... " another pause, and then, with a low and amused chuckle, "Horror movie, eh?", and then more chuckling.
I, however was not so amused.
Neither was I amused at the parking ticket I got while in getting my horror flick story.
I have never heard of a name like Kwitnicki... and i can't even imagine where it came from.. :) Can't believe what he did to your gums! :( :( That is not what is supposed to happen.. at all.. our dental practice has a new hygenist.. and I avoid her every time i go.. 'cos it sounds like she trained at the Dr. Kwitnicki school.. and the other hygenist there is LOVELY.. and remembers about how i lost my sense of smell.. and always has something encouraging to say.. and it never hurts with him.. i am sending soothing bon jela in your direction.. hmmm seriously.. you could use Jonah's teething stuff?? :) xoxo