We had a lunch date at a local Japanese restaurant... It's not every day a goat disturbs your restaurant eating experience...
I am generally pretty happy here. And since coming back here, I've found myself busy, and really loving it.
But the last few days a creeping has starting coming up on me, to the point where right now, when I'm supposed to be writing a blog about how cool and wonderful things are here, I just feel like crap. I don't like Africa today. I don't particularly like many people here either. I KNOW that is hideous, awful, and should never be said, let alone publicly. But this is the brutal truth of what it's like to be a stranger in a foreign land. You have days where you just ache for the familiar. Where everything in you longs for home. You want to close your eyes, and have all the hundred million things that are driving you insane just go away.
1.There is a very awkward situation with Doris where the other lady she works for (Food For the Hungry's wife- FFH lady) seems to act like Doris is her property and tell her where she will work and Doris is very uncomfortable and has asked me to speak with FFH lady, and I really don't want to, but also think Doris needs to learn to stand up for herself.. and it's just confrontation. And I HATE confrontation.
2. I have met one too many people here who are decidedly NOT fans of Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship, and on top of that seem to make many references to barking like dogs at their meetings... Of which, having been on staff at TACF, never once witnessed a barking manifestation. I just find it so narrow minded to make judgements about something, and fellow Christians without ever knowing anyone from there, or going yourself.
3. Our apartments plumbing is awful. I feel like every time I turn around right now, something else is not working correctly. On top of that the new landlord lives in Geneva. Yep. SWITZERLAND. and is insistent that everything in the apartment is 'as it was' when we moved in- in between breaths of promising to fix things here. I want to laugh at him, and say okay, so you want walls painted, la la la, but I can't have PLUMBING? or TOILETS THAT FLUSH CORRECTLY? or a water bill that isn't 10x's the average! TEN TIMES!?!?!
4. Some of our neighbors are demonized. It's true.
5. I have been having really wild dreams. Some of them are prophetic, which is cool. Some of them. . . ? Maybe some of them are being influenced by #4. Lol.
6. I was sitting down to straighten my hair with the awesome AWESOME flat iron that Aunt Barb gave me for Christmas, and lo and behold. The power adaptor/inverter blew. Or something. Because suddenly the flat iron just turned off. *Sigh. So now I have half a head of straight hair, the other half curly, and I could potentially have lost any and all hope of having straight hair while I live here.
7. Cute Child has been sleeping funny since yesterday afternoon.
6. Every time, and I really am not exaggerating by saying, EVERY time we try to have a skype chat with family- the internet cannot handle a call. Even if we don't use the video, the calls drop constantly. We've tried the safaricom stick, and though it's supposed to be a lot better, we still have an awful time of it. AWFUL. I miss my family, and I'd like to see them, talk to them, without all this nonsense. I can't do this sort of long distance awful communication for more then a year.
okay some Thanks:
1. Doris is doing all our ironing as I type.
2. Cute Child loves LOVES his room.
3. It's sunny and warm.
4. We've met some wonderful friends since being back. And had some really fun dinners out.
5. Dates with Hot Husband and I have been very good.
6. None of us are sick.
7. I'm having more fun with the BHC ladies (British High Commission)
8. I really like the family from Mexico at our apartments.
9. Church is feeling more like our church, instead of just some random place we go.
10. I love our bedroom.
the following pictures are for my sister, who has repeatedly requested them! :)
This is Cute Child's new room! We just got a bookcase made for him, and it works perfect. Though I think he has enough for two cases actually. It's great at organizing all the little toys and things.
First of all - I love the pictures of Cute Child's room! It looks like such a fun place to spend time. And he looks as though he is enjoying it. And seriously, it should be some kind of a crime to be as cute as him.
ReplyDeleteSecondly, I am sorry you feel all the emotions mentioned above. I dont' know what else to say. I have nothing great or any fantastic wisdom! I would just say keep making your thankful list! I am so happy you and Hot Husband (I have such a wierd feeling when I type that about your husband haha) have had some great dates, that you are all well, that you know how to kick some serious demon booty, and that God has equipped you for this season in your life!! I am sure and confident that He will continue to equip you!
Love you my friend and wish so badly we could have an hour or two conversation. Or at least leave rambling 5 minute messages.
sorry that you are having a bad day. God, givemy friend grace not to just survive this season, but to thrive in it. love you lots.