i love easter. and this year, being in a developing nation where dead bodies are much more seen and dying is a whole community thing (we get requests weekly to help someone pay for the burial of a loved one), the whole idea of joyous, miraculous resurrection and the sorrow that the disciples and friends must have felt when He died- it left me pondering for days! add onto that the dying of a missionary friend here (shot and killed in a home invasion) a few months ago, and a couple other acquaintances and friends of friends, and death is just very real here. i think that may be one reason that Easter is not as 'real' to the church in the US.
also, here friday and monday are national holidays. on monday, a security guard at the supermarket looked at me in the eyes, gave me a huge grin, and with his free hand (the other holding an AK47) said to me, "Happy Easter, Madame!". (yes, it took me totally off guard, but made me smile) On Palm Sunday all the cars and matatus (bus taxis) had palm fronds stuck in the grills and rear wipers...
anyways, that's a little bit of why i enjoyed it so much. we had a normal service at church, a nice lunch at our pastors house (serving a south american dish, which was delish!), a skype call with friends in Chile and DC, and homemade ice cream with friends at our house for dinner. nothing too special or crazy- but the very essense of Africa, mixed in with the knowledge of Him and His sacrifice- that made it all the more amazing.
hmmm. good thing to ponder about it not being as real because of the sterilized culture we live in. good point.