The reality of my world here sometimes just hits me upside the head. There are often things that we are thinking through, going through, living through that I would love to talk about with everyone- but somehow there's nothing like a downer or big dose of reality on facebook. I like to leave facebook for more chipper or simple comments and updates.
For instance, two days after the most amazing vacation in Bath with friends that I could have ever have dreamed in my wildest dreams (and no, this time I'm not exaggerating!), I got a message from friends of our up north...
He's a montanan, married to a Kenyan, and they are true lovers of people. Unorthodox missionaries of sorts.
The message was for Hot Husband and I to pray for them, they'd just gotten word that a fellow pastor/preacher/friend had been preaching in Somalia and was beheaded.
Wait. Did i read that right? Did you read that right? Do people still get beheaded? Yep. Just like John the Baptist.
*sigh. So, today, if you think of this man's family, if you think of the many amazing people who are willing to risk everything so that someone might hear of the love of God and potentially surrender their heart to it, ask Father to wrap His arms around them, to comfort them, and to protect them.
oh my goodness. i will pray for that family right now. terrible. really terrible.