However with the 4 families that we've gotten to know the most- 2 are leaving. 1 family, from Quebec leaves tomorrow, and I fear Hot Husband is losing his closest friend here. :( It's the great exodus, and apparently it happens every two years, or sometimes once a year here. Expat communities are revolving doors, people in, people out. New faces, fresh off the "boat", with contracts that last between 1-5 years, missionary voluntary positions with mandatory year long furloughs, etc. the 2nd family leaves for the States for a whole year long furlough next month. Cute Child sat with their daughter- he just thinks she's so much fun- in the rocks (she's 2 years older, but loves him too) and they took handfuls of rocks and poured them over each others heads. To say Cute Child needs a bath and to soak his scalp is an understatement! The weather is starting to cool down here, but the sun has been out quite a bit nevertheless. It's days like today, where it's just a bit chilly, but the sun is shining brightly that remind me of a June day in Montana. It's nice.
I feel like we are in the season of transition here, people coming and going. Plus there is this cultural thing here where as soon as kids turn 2, they put them into school. Most of the times it's half days, and between 3-5 days a week. Most of Cute Child's friends in play groups are soon going to all be going to school, leaving him with much younger children. I find this incredibly odd. It's not like any of these mothers work here! (Even if they wanted to, visas are incredibly hard to obtain) My firm conviction is that I will only have this time with him for a very few short years, I want to spend every moment I can taking advantage of it. I am so honored and blessed to be able to not have to work, to be able to spend this time with my child(ren), why would I cart him off to some school, just because it's what everyone else is doing? That being said, I am praying for some (at least 1-2) other moms in my circle who feel the same as I so that he has friends at these play groups at a similar age. And it's been an excellent reminder to spend more quality time with Cute Child, treasuring every moment- it goes so fast.
This past week was a bit blah. I like blah. That means we didn't visit hospitals, or doctors, or have to administer dose after dose of medicine. The hives are still coming to the surface, though fewer, and farther between. Today his eyes were all puffy and swollen for about an hour, and then went down. I spent a lot of time trying to get things done this past week only to hit major brick walls. Either exhaustion or just closed doors. Yesterday though we hit the jackpot and bought an entire living room ensemble, and a guest bed and mattress. Now we have so much furniture, I can't figure out where to put it all. We went from a house that echoes, to one that is overcrowded. But I can't complain! It's going to be fantastic once it's all arranged, and cleaned!
Below: 2 Pictures taken on the way back from Tobaca/Kisii: Tea fields and their harvesters... And the easiest way to carry bananas!
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