Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Home, Home on the Range

Home, Home on the range, Where the deer and the antelope play, Where seldom is heard, a discouraging word.. And the skies are not cloudy all day.

Things I miss: (feel free to laugh)

American accents.
Worship at church.
Chicken nuggets.
Spaghetti sauce in a jar. This includes: Vodka sauce, Alfredo, and just regular Marinara. (we can buy it here for about 10-12 dollars a jar- obviously I'm not that desperate yet!)
My furniture.
A house of my own, with my things.
A washing machine.
A dryer!
Fall leaves.
My family.
My nephew (big time!).
The Gap.
NCIS and episodes of the Office. And don't even talk to me about how I will miss the new Lost episodes in January!
Fast internet.
Drinking water from the tap.
Sleeping without a dumb mosquito net (so NOT romantic).
My mom's food.
Sleeping in while my sister gets Cute Child up in the morning.
Fox and CNN news. 24/7. oh the bliss.
Big refrigerators.
Taps that aren't separated hot and cold (dumbest thing ever invented).
Continual electricity.
Lack of famine, death, poverty, beggars, and corruption.
Shallow subject matter in conversations.
Having things not always covered in dirt or dust.
Deoderant that isn't spray.
Not being the only white person, or the only American.
Not being the only one who thinks Obama is scary.
Having a car.
Driving on the right side of the road.
Natales Bakery in Summit.
Being able to look up things on Yelp.

(Hot Husband misses: Sidewalks,Trisquits, Stir Crazy popcorn maker, Fall leaves)

yeah, I think you all get my drift...


  1. Umm....didn't see my name on the list anywhere. I'm sure you just forgot. hehehe

  2. lol. becky it goes without saying that i miss you!! :)
